Thursday, July 16, 2009

Starrr Trekk.

Sometimes I fall in love with fictional characters. It's a pretty serious thing. I don't know when or how it started exactly, but I usually become infatuated with a fictional character for extended periods of time.

So right now I'm in love with Data from Star Trek. I think the advantages to our love would be his lack of emotion. I would never have to worry about hurting his feelings. He sizes everything up logically, and finds the best possible solution to everything. He doesn't see anything as trivial or unimportant. He always pays the utmost attention to detail. You only have to tell him to do something once, and he understands completely.

I mean, I guess the downside to this is if I needed comforting, I wouldn't be able to go to him. If he were to get the emotion chip installed it wouldn't be perfect, but it would be close. Still, it make him easily persuaded by the Borg/Lore. Ugh. I have no patience for Lore.

Do I sound like a crazy person that I am actually trying to rationalize this?

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