Monday, October 13, 2008

Obligatory first post.

This is my blogthing. Welcome, and hurray. Glad you could accidentally stumble upon this/click on the magical Facebook link that brought you here. I hope your stay is satisfactory, and that you read enjoyable things.

This journal came about because I am bored, and I am avoiding reading Othello/sleep.

On an unrelated note, I bought a candle today that smells like pumpkins. My room smells like awesome and win. I also got some pumpkin carving stencils. In the near future, I plan on carving some pumpkins, because nothing says "Autumn," like unwarranted pumpkin carnage.

On another unrelated note, I just added the word "Facebook," to my Firefox dictionary because I am tired of that little red line appearing every time I type it in somewhere.

In conclusion, here is a picture that I found on Facebook where I am surrounded by cool people and Jesty Beatz.

Not pictured: Jeff, one of the coolest people.

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